It can be difficult to tell whether or not a girl is down to fuck, but there are certain things you can look for. If you see the right signs, then you can be sure that you’re in for a great night. All you have to do is pay attention to her body language and actions. Once you figure out which ones mean what, you’ll be able to spot a girl from across the room and know that she’s ready for a good old fashioned fucking. It gets easier the more you look, so try it out as much as you can.
First is her flirty language. A girl who needs some dick is going to be coy about it, but she’s still going to have a few tells. Her language is going to get coarse and she won’t have a problem with using words like “fuck” or “cock”. It’s just her brain’s way of getting ready to get dirty. When the conversation starts with a girl who doesn’t swear and ends with one that cusses like a sailor, you can be sure that she wants your dick. All you have to do is offer it to her.
She’ll also be touching her hair a lot. This is to draw your attention to it. It’s where she holds her sex appeal and she wants you to want to fuck her. She’ll twirl it in her fingers and she’ll flip it over her shoulders. As soon as she starts touching it, start looking for condoms. She wants you inside her and there’s very little that you can do about it. All you can do is follow her to her bedroom and let her do naughty things to you all night long. It’s just being neighborly.
Finally watch for mirroring. This is when she moves in the same ways that you do. If you sit back then she sits back, she wants your dick. If you lean forward, then she leans forward, she’s thinking about sucking your cock. This is to show that you’re both in sync with each other. It’s another way to convince you to fill her up with your vitamin D.
Women are mysterious, but they still want to fuck. If you remember this list and look out for it then you’re going to be much more successful when you’re trying to fuck. Don’t take anyone’s word for it, though, just go and do it.